Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Day 12 - Bergamo/London

Carlos woke me up this morning at 6:30ish and we packed in the dark and headed for a bus stop. We waited forever for a bus, but finally caught one around 8:30 to the airport. We met two girls along the waz on the same flight as me heading back to England after two months of vacation. I'm not sure what it is, but i must somehow attract smart people because Carlos is a law student and the two girls we met, Sophie and Georgie, are med students. Carlos says that he wants to come to Canada sometime soon and go fishing, so i told him that i'd take him. He's going to teach me how to make home made italian sauces via email. There girls were nice and taught me to properlz play sudoku on the plane ride (I'm now an expert).
Finally got to the hostel at 3ish and met up with Rob. We got some food and had aour first pint together then headed to the bar at the hostel. We stazed at a place near's King's Cross called the Generator. We relaxed abit, then headed up for the bar in the hostel. Chelsea and Liverpool were playing, so we bet on the game through the pool being run in the bar, and then drank 1 pound pints from 6 till 9. We got pretty trashed and the game finished 0-0 which sucked because everytime the team you chose scored, we were supposed to get a shot of tequila, so we didn't get any at all (not that we really needed them anyways).
After that, me and Rob went for a walk and got caught in the rain. Which isn't odd for London i suppose. What was weird though is that we came upon a cab driver with a flat tire. Like the good Canadian kids we are, we boosted the car for him and changed his tire because he didn't have a clue how to do it. We got absolutely soaked, but the old cab driver appreciated it so much that it was worth it. Everyone in our hostel thought that we were crazy, but it was fun.


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